How to Create a DAO
How to Create a DAO

It might seem like right now, there is a DAO for everything. A DAO to buy the Constitution, a DAO to buy a sports team, a DAO to run for president (kidding). But there is no escaping the fact that DAOs have sprung up in almost every industry as a new...

By Gabriel Daramola

Mon Sep 26 20221 min read

The reign of a Gilfoyle
The reign of a Gilfoyle

So people ask me, Vic why do you love Gilfoyle? Look at the expression. Lemme answer the question right here. Gilfoyle is more than a character to me, he's a point in a much more farther dream for me. I really love his character and his ability to a...

By Gabriel Daramola

Mon Sep 26 20221 min read

Coming soon
Coming soon

This is Dukia, a brand new site by Xpan Victor that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published!...

By Gabriel Daramola

Sat Sep 24 20220 min read